The whole approach to education and developing young people aged 3 to 16 in Wales is changing.
Have a look at the New Curriculum Powerpoint used for an information session for parents on 15.11.18.
The new curriculum will have six ‘Areas of Learning and Experience (AoLEs).
1)Expressive arts.
2)Health and well-being.
3)Humanities (including RE which should remain compulsory to age 16).
4)Languages, literacy and communication (including Welsh, which should remain compulsory to age 16, and modern foreign languages).
5)Mathematics and numeracy.
6)Science and technology.
A new parent website has been created to explain the changes in Education in Wales. It features a scene-setting video, the curriculum animation and a link to the White Paper Consultation on the new curriculum.
Timetable of change:
April 2019: New curriculum and assessment arrangements available in schools for feedback.
January 2020: Final curriculum and assessment arrangements available.
September 2022: All maintained schools and settings using the new curriculum and assessment arrangements.
The first teaching of all year groups from primary school to Year 7 will begin in September 2022 and the new curriculum will roll out year-on-year from this point.